To address the multiple challenges of the topic resilient ageing and in response to the WHO call for the decade of healthy ageing, the Leibniz Research Alliance "Resilient Ageing" was formed in March 2022. It currently consists of fourteen Leibniz institutes and one associated Leibniz Institute with scientists from many different disciplines: biology, medicine, psychology, education science, sociology, and economics. The research alliance integrates two major research perspectives, i.e. The investigation of resilient trajectories during ageing and the investigation of mechanism of resilient ageing with a focus on adaptive plasticity.

The research alliance has the following objectives:

  • To combine the powerful agendas of ageing and resilience research into one coherent concept of “Resilient Ageing”
  • To integrate the rather broad previous concepts of “resilience and ageing” into one topic of extraordinarily high importance for resilience research, namely “Resilient Ageing”
  • To combine the expertise of all partner institutes to extend and go beyond the research results from the previous LRA on “Healthy Ageing”
  • To take on a practical approach to the topic “Resilient Ageing” to make the future lives of seniors as healthy as possible.